{"version":3,"file":"component---src-templates-news-articles-02-tsx-0664b87dd04c44f85f3b.js","mappings":"oJAMMA,EAAgB,SAACC,GACIA,EAAMC,KAAKC,QAAQC,YAE5C,OACE,gBAAC,IAAD,CAAaC,KAAMC,EAAAA,EAAAA,MACjB,wBAAMC,UAAU,mDACd,sBAAIA,UAAU,uCAAd,gIAIA,qBAAGA,UAAU,8CAAb,kLAKA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QACX,iDADF,yBAGE,qBACEA,UAAU,0BACVC,KAAK,6BAFP,2BAHF,mWAgBA,qBAAGD,UAAU,QAAb,ohBAUA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QAAb,gZAQA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QAAb,0ZAQA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QAAb,kTAOA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QAAb,mcASA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QAAb,wBAEE,qBACEA,UAAU,0BACVC,KAAK,iCAFP,kCAOF,sBAAID,UAAU,4BAAd,gBACA,qBAAGA,UAAU,QACX,qBACEA,UAAU,0BACVC,KAAK,iCAFP,2BADF,moBAkBA,sBAAID,UAAU,4BAAd,kBACA,+CAEE,2BACA,qBAAGA,UAAU,0BAA0BC,KAAK,uBAA5C,2BAwBV,UAAeC,EAAAA,KAAWT","sources":["webpack://website-v2/./src/templates/newsArticles02.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\";\nimport { graphql } from \"gatsby\";\nimport { Article } from \"../models/article.model\";\nimport PageWrapper from \"../components/PageWrapper\";\nimport { ROUTE_LINKS } from \"../utils/routes\";\n\nconst NewsArticle02 = (props: any) => {\n const article: Article = props.data.article.frontmatter;\n\n return (\n \n

\n Matrix Rental Solutions Presenting at National Association of\n REALTORS® (NAR) Legislative Meeting in Washington DC, May 8-11\n


\n The Matrix Rental Solutions team, including founder and CEO Sipho\n Simela, will showcase the company’s innovative fintech platform —\n revolutionizing the rental housing market.\n


\n STAMFORD, Conn. –– April 21,\n 2023 –– \n \n Matrix Rental Solutions\n \n , a Stamford, Connecticut-based technology company on a mission to\n improve access to fair and affordable housing, announced that they\n will exhibit at the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR)\n Legislative Meeting in Washington DC, May 6-11. The innovative\n proptech company will showcase its fintech platform at a REACH Alumni\n Tech Table in booth 421.\n


\n The Matrix Rental Solutions team, including founder and CEO Sipho\n Simela, will be on-site to present and will discuss how the company’s\n Universal Rental Application and proprietary platform is\n revolutionizing the affordable housing rental market to NAR members\n seeking to advance the real estate industry, public policy, and the\n association. Matrix will engage in the special issues forums,\n committee meetings, legislative activities, and industry trade shows\n that make the REALTORS® Legislative Meeting such an important event.\n


\n Matrix is a tenant analysis fintech platform that utilizes real-time\n data to produce an \"ability to pay\" score for prospective renters. By\n incorporating a variety of factors, including assets, income, and\n previous rental history, Matrix provides a more inclusive and accurate\n screening process that removes the potential for source of income\n discrimination and automates the underwriting process.\n


\n “Traditional credit scoring can be statistically less inclusive for\n minorities, immigrants, and younger people, making it challenging for\n property owners to make informed decisions about renters,” said\n Simela. “ Some of the most urgent initiatives in the legislative cycle\n are directly related to problems that Matrix is solving, including\n source of income protections, tenant screening, and fair housing.”\n


\n Each year, this event is attended by NAR members who serve on\n association committees and are active in the association's governance.\n Federal Political Coordinators (FPCs) and other politically engaged\n individuals who interact with congressional representatives on Capitol\n Hill attend the event as well.\n


\n As Matrix data reflects, 89% of tenant rental applicants granted\n “conditional acceptance” made at least three consecutive on-time\n rental payments. These are applicants categorized as “hard reject”\n using traditional analysis models. Using a complete ability-to-pay\n score, Matrix streamlines the acceptance process and shortens it by up\n to 50%, helping more owners make their properties available to\n affordable housing and get tenants leased faster.\n


\n To learn more, visit \n \n https://www.mymatrixrent.com/\n \n

About Matrix

\n \n Matrix Rental Solutions\n \n   offers a Universal Rental Application that is changing the\n landscape of the growing $500 billion rental housing market. Matrix\n features a single, reusable application with a single fee, powered by\n real-time data and producing an “ability to pay” score. Using a\n variety of factors, including assets, income and previous rental\n history, the result is more inclusive scoring that gives property\n managers faster, more accurate insights into the complete financial\n profile of a prospective tenant. Matrix removes the potential for\n source of income discrimination, taking the subsidy into consideration\n and automating the underwriting process.\n

Media Contact:

\n Caroline Kamerschen\n
\n \n caroline@bospar.com\n \n

\n );\n};\n\nexport const pageQuery = graphql`\n query($slug: Int) {\n article: markdownRemark(\n frontmatter: { slug: { eq: $slug } }\n fields: { category: { eq: \"articles\" } }\n ) {\n frontmatter {\n title\n date\n url\n }\n }\n }\n`;\n\nexport default React.memo(NewsArticle02);\n"],"names":["NewsArticle02","props","data","article","frontmatter","path","ROUTE_LINKS","className","href","React"],"sourceRoot":""}